Deceiving Ether

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Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

A software engineer working on Microsoft Technologies - MOSS 2007, WSS 3.0, ASP.NET 2.0

Friday, September 15, 2006

Man in the mirror - Aham Brahmaasmi
[ series - Watching this space for more]

Ever wondered why do you need a mirror? Especially when
you deny criticism or a gentle suggestion by someone.
Man's character is quite analogous to an inductor in an
electrical circuit. When the magnitude of current rises,
the inductor opposes the flow of current and prevents the
drop in current after a certain stage - this is man's
nature. To deny his Self. Why does he do so? To preserve
the castle that he has been trying to build (and believes
that it exist) and yet again falls. This castle is nothing
but the residence of Ego. The castle - his Body. He wants
to strengthen the fortress, heighten the wall. Within his
castle and outside he is the Emperor. The possession being
his castle alone. He must be having a loving and caring
family, but they cant find him. Why? Just because, he
wrongly identifies the I. The Ahamkaara (Ahamkaara = Aham
+ Aakaara) means giving the "I" a shape. Is not this as
foolish as trying to contain the Sun in a vessel. This act
can be described as a man running around the Sun to cover
it with a cloth that is a few thousand metres long. The
cloth here again is the body.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Atheism - modern Man's chosen brand
As it is said, woman has been the greatest power that can bring man on his knees. So she saw her future in marrying Man to propagate her future. Atheism thinks that she has been the mother of Faith today. And....Faith - the baby growing, yet choking in her womb she did not know. When she came to know that Faith was the baby in her womb, she fell apart. But, didnt give up because she still has Faith that Atheism would be born one day. But not without Faith...can she live that Atheism will be born for future.Infact, Faith was the Avathar of Lord born to destroy the future.........